What if I Don't Know?
People are always going to have questions. We will even have questions ourselves. Unfortunately, many of these questions won't be answered right away, and many of these questions won't even be answered in this life. It is only natural to have questions about the gospel. It is the deepest, most eternal aspect of our lives, and we should want to know about it. It is good to have that thirst for knowledge, and that desire for a deeper understanding. However, due to the eternal and infinite nature of the gospel, sometimes, we won't be able to find that answers that we seek. Our Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, gives to us line upon line, and precept upon precept. Though everything does have an answer, we must exercise the Christ-like attribute of patience, and wait for these answers to be revealed in their own due time.
Just because we do not have the answer to a question does not mean that we have to stop in our progress and learning of the gospel. God has given us so much already, and because of the miracle of living prophets and apostles, we have a virtually limitless amount of knowledge at our fingertips. If we can’t find the answer to a question, we can accept that we might not be able to find the answer yet, and move on to another aspect of the gospel. Not being able to find the answer to a question is an answer in itself - everything that we need to know about the gospel has already been revealed to us. If we’re not able to find an answer among our library of scriptures or among the words of prophets and Apostles today, then it is not a question upon which we need to focus. Nephi once said: “I know that [God] loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.” If we keep this in mind, we will always be able to continue to learn and grow, and rather than getting stuck on an unanswerable question, will be able to progress forward.
What if someone asks us a question to which we do not know the answer? Many times, when sharing the gospel with others, they will bring up something that we don't know. They might ask about a particular aspect of Church history, or the exact nature of a spiritual principle. Do not be afraid to tell them that you don’t know, but then, don’t stop there. Tell them what you do know. Through a simple testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith, or the Book of Mormon, or the importance of living prophets and Apostles today, we can help these people to understand that the questions they might be asking are not of eternal significance. If they turn instead to what God has given us, and listen to His word, it is at that time that they will begin to understand. It is then that they will see how they can personally find their own source of testimony and truth.
I encourage everyone to continue seeking your answers and truths, and to continue studying the gospel. Never give up hope, but don't get stuck on something impossible. Press forward with faith in Christ, and everything will be revealed in due time.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I think a challenge lies in the fact that - at least for me - I like to know a lot, and I like to be prepared if anyone has a question for me about the Gospel. I would get very frustrated if someone would stump me, and I would feel like I didn't represent the Church very well... especially given the fact that so many are purposely looking to tear LDS people down and "poke holes" in the church.

    But I am also realizing that I can't know everything. There are some things I have yet to learn, and some things I suppose I am not meant to know. It is just my duty to do my best - not to be perfect.

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