In Times of Trouble

“When we pluck the roses, we find we often cannot avoid the thorns which spring from the same stem.”
 --President James E. Faust

This past week, we here in Utah celebrated the 24th of July. This holiday is celebrated in commemoration of those pioneers who crossed the plains in wagons and handcarts, often giving all that they have in order to follow their faith. Today, as members of the Church, we have inherited that pioneer legacy. Even those members of the Church who dwell far from Utah, from the beaches of California to the skyscrapers of New York to the distant countries of Taiwan or Russia, have those pioneers to thank. Without them, the Church surely would not be where it is today.
That legacy of faith and trials does not end with the pioneers, however. Even today, we face many challenges and difficulties. For many of us, these may be in the same vein as those faced by the pioneers - physical or financial hardships. Others of us, however, have other troubles. Finding peace amidst the chaos of today’s world, or keeping an enduring faith in God when it seems that He isn’t immediately answering our prayers or delivering us from sorrow.
Why do we have such troubles? Why doesn’t God help us to escape from these problems? After all, aren’t we His faithful servants?
One thing that I have learned as I have served as a missionary is that trials are the quickest and most powerful way to grow. It is only after gold is refined and cleansed from impurities that it becomes beautiful. This life has trials often for that very purpose - as we learn how to endure or overcome hardships, that is when we develop our faith or our character. That is how we are able to learn to lean upon Christ, and share our yoke with Him.
Relish your trials, and savor the lessons that you learn from them. As we look upon the cup we are given in a spirit of gladness and hope rather than despair, then we will be able to feel the same peace and joy that kept those pioneers singing hymns of praise as they pulled their carts across the endless plains, leaving behind the old for something new and better.
What if I Don't Know?
People are always going to have questions. We will even have questions ourselves. Unfortunately, many of these questions won't be answered right away, and many of these questions won't even be answered in this life. It is only natural to have questions about the gospel. It is the deepest, most eternal aspect of our lives, and we should want to know about it. It is good to have that thirst for knowledge, and that desire for a deeper understanding. However, due to the eternal and infinite nature of the gospel, sometimes, we won't be able to find that answers that we seek. Our Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, gives to us line upon line, and precept upon precept. Though everything does have an answer, we must exercise the Christ-like attribute of patience, and wait for these answers to be revealed in their own due time.
Just because we do not have the answer to a question does not mean that we have to stop in our progress and learning of the gospel. God has given us so much already, and because of the miracle of living prophets and apostles, we have a virtually limitless amount of knowledge at our fingertips. If we can’t find the answer to a question, we can accept that we might not be able to find the answer yet, and move on to another aspect of the gospel. Not being able to find the answer to a question is an answer in itself - everything that we need to know about the gospel has already been revealed to us. If we’re not able to find an answer among our library of scriptures or among the words of prophets and Apostles today, then it is not a question upon which we need to focus. Nephi once said: “I know that [God] loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.” If we keep this in mind, we will always be able to continue to learn and grow, and rather than getting stuck on an unanswerable question, will be able to progress forward.
What if someone asks us a question to which we do not know the answer? Many times, when sharing the gospel with others, they will bring up something that we don't know. They might ask about a particular aspect of Church history, or the exact nature of a spiritual principle. Do not be afraid to tell them that you don’t know, but then, don’t stop there. Tell them what you do know. Through a simple testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith, or the Book of Mormon, or the importance of living prophets and Apostles today, we can help these people to understand that the questions they might be asking are not of eternal significance. If they turn instead to what God has given us, and listen to His word, it is at that time that they will begin to understand. It is then that they will see how they can personally find their own source of testimony and truth.
I encourage everyone to continue seeking your answers and truths, and to continue studying the gospel. Never give up hope, but don't get stuck on something impossible. Press forward with faith in Christ, and everything will be revealed in due time.
The Word of Wisdom

(This is the second in a series of common questions from For other Q and A posts, click on the “Q and A” label at the bottom of this post.)

Q: Elder Hafen, I’m a member, but I’m still confused about a few things about the Word of Wisdom. I know that we’re supposed to avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, illegal drugs, and that kind of thing, but how do we get those specifics? D&C 89, where the Word of Wisdom is revealed, doesn’t say anything about illegal drugs! Also, why can’t we drink coffee or tea? The others I can understand, but isn't tea supposed to be good for you? Finally, is caffeine against the Word of Wisdom? I know that lots of other members in my ward don’t drink caffeine, but I saw my Bishop drink a Pepsi the other day. Was he sinning?
                    Concerned Member

A: Those are some good questions! Since there are actually a few different questions here, we’ll break it down a little.

     a. How do we get the specifics about the Word of Wisdom?
     You’re definitely right that we don’t have that many specifics. If one interpreted D&C 89 word for word without taking anything else into account, then many people would likely think that it was fine to drink wine as long as they made it themselves, but that drinks such as hot chocolate are against the commandment. Fortunately, as with all other commandments and aspects of the gospel, God doesn't give us a commandment and then say, “Well, have at it!” Instead, he sends living prophets to council us, reveal additional guidance and revelation, and to clarify commandments that He has given. Through the insight and guidance of many modern prophets, we've grown to know so much more about many of the commandments that God has given us, including the Word of Wisdom.

     b. Why can’t we drink coffee or tea?
     Sometimes, the initial reasons for a commandment aren't entirely clear. Some commandments, such as not stealing, have benefits that we can see immediately simply by looking at the nature of the commandment itself. Other commandments, such as paying tithing, might not have benefits that are immediately seen, but as we follow these commandments, those blessings become more apparent. The Word of Wisdom fits into both categories - avoiding things such as alcohol and drugs clearly have great physical benefits for our bodies. However, the benefits of avoiding coffee and tea aren't as clear. Like all commandments, however, when we do our best to follow every aspect of the Word of Wisdom, that is when we will start seeing all of the blessings that it provides - not only physical blessings, but spiritual ones as well. One example we can use in this situation is that of Joseph Smith, when he very first received the revelation about the Word of Wisdom. At the time, it was thought that things such as smoking were actually healthy. Later, as science progressed, they learned that such things were actually very bad for our bodies. In brief, Heavenly Father has made our bodies, and knows what is best for them. If we listen to the guidance He gives us, we’ll be safe and blessed, both in a physical sense and a spiritual sense.

     c. Is caffeine against the Word of Wisdom?
     No, not specifically. In addition to helping us know a few specific substances that are wrong, prophets have helped to clarify the base principle of the Word of Wisdom - we should avoid any sort of addictive substance that takes away our agency, or right to make choices. Some members of the Church consider caffeine to fit into this category, and thus make it a point to avoiding beverages or other substances that contain it. Other members of the Church don’t feel that it is something that is addicting or causing problems for them, so they don’t go to the same steps of avoiding it. Neither of these groups of people are more righteous or more correct than the other - they’re making their own choices and deciding what is best for them. Because caffeine is not something we’re specifically counseled to avoid, it’s a personal decision. If anyone isn't sure about it, I would encourage them to make it a matter of prayer, and ask God what they think they should do.

I hope that I was able to help answer your question, Concerned Member! If anyone has any additional questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments below this post, and I’ll be happy to answer them for you! Also, please let me know if you have any questions that would you like to see if future "Q and A" posts!
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The Pearl and the Box

In my last post, I wrote about how we should strive for perfection, even though we’re not able to reach such a state. As we work towards this goal, we must also remember that others are doing likewise - they too are striving for perfection, but aren’t there yet. This applies to everyone in our lives, from Church leaders to friends to family members. Don’t judge others for their imperfections, but instead appreciate the help and good things that they accomplish, rather than focusing on those negative aspects of their personality.
At a recent talk here at the MTC, the speaker shared the story of a man who lied to his brothers, initially didn’t help them in their their time of need, and, when he finally did provide them aid, planted an object on one of them in order to unfairly arrest him. Even though he knew that they were innocent, he unfairly threw his brother into prison. With just this story and no other background, one would think of this man as a cruel person. However, when one better knows his story and understands the situation and why he is doing these things, we can understand that this man not only great loves and cares for his brothers, but in fact is trying to do what will help them best. This man was Joseph, the prophet of God who was sold into Egypt by these same brothers.
Just as we can’t properly judge Joseph without properly understanding his position, we shouldn’t judge others, particularly within the Church. How easy it is to see someone walk into Sacrament Meeting one Sunday fifteen minutes late and think, “Oh, he must have been sleeping in, putting his own needs before what is important,” or “He must not really have a desire to be here; someone must be making him come,” without understanding that perhaps that same person had to walk to Church, as his family had turned him out of his home for his faith and beliefs.
Even our leaders sometimes are not perfect. They may make choices or decisions that we may view as unjust. Sometimes, they might share an opinion with which we don’t agree. Rather than furiously raging against them, we can each acknowledge that they, too, are imperfect, but are striving to be better through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church and its members are like a finely decorated box containing a priceless pearl. The box gives the pearl a place to rest, protects it, and gives it a beautiful backdrop to amplify its beauty. However, it is the pearl itself that is valuable and perfect. The box may be marred or flawed, but the pearl is what is perfect.
Let us each focus on the pearl - the gospel of Jesus Christ that we are all trying to follow. Don’t judge others for their actions, and be kind and charitable, even in the face or their mistakes or imperfections. As we each do this, we will better be able to help one another in our mutual goal to become more like the Savior, and follow His perfect example.
Striving for Perfection

There are times when the gospel seems a little overwhelming. Between family, a Church calling, daily prayer and scripture study, home teaching, helping other ward members and neighbors, and countless other activities, sometimes it seems like there is never enough time in the day to complete all of our tasks. To top things off, we will slip up and make mistakes. Does this mean that we’re not qualified to be a member of the Church, or not worthy to feel Christ’s love for us? Not at all.
Christ never promised that only the perfect would be blessed. Teaching the sermon on the mount, He didn’t say “blessed are the righteous.” Rather, He instead shared, “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” None of us are perfect, and none of us are expected to be perfect on our own - it is only through Christ and His Atonement that we are able to reach that level, and, during this life, it will only be for small amounts at a time. We may repent, go to Church, take the sacrament, and, just hours later, sin once again. We had been perfect, but only for a few minutes. What do we do? We repent again. We move forward, and we become perfect in Christ.
This becoming is not a single event. We become perfect again and again and again, each time we slip away from our perfection. Even if we’re not able to meet all of the duties that we think we should, or we feel that we don’t adequately fulfill the role that we should play in our lives, we still can be, for just a few moments, perfect, as Christ has commanded us to be. We must not look at our mortal failures marring our perfection, but instead look upon ourselves as Christ would - seeing the perfect spirit that is inside. When we keep this goal in mind, and focus only on the positive, doing our best to repent daily and strive for perfection, that is when we are truly perfect.
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