In the Beginning is Our Words

POLONIUS: "What do you read, my lord?"
HAMLET: "Words, words, words."
~William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II

Often times, when we think of missionary work, or of service in any form, we tend to think of actions. However, I’ve recently given thoughts to the power of words. The gospel is largely contained in words - the words of living prophets and Apostles, the words of the prophets in the scriptures, the words shared at a sacrament meeting or by a missionary, and even in the words of Christ Himself. The Bible itself even teaches us that, in the beginning was the Word. Looking over the words that I type or speak each day, I would roughly guess that every day I am here serving as an online missionary, I share between four and five thousand words to those I encounter. As a missionary, the majority of these words are about the gospel, and about Jesus Christ and the things that He has done for us. For someone who is not serving as a full-time missionary, the balance might be a bit different, but everyone, no matter what situation they might be in, is able to use their words and their language as a way to help others, and to bring peace and comfort into the lives of those who might be facing struggles and trials in their life.
How do each of our words effect those around us every day? Are we sharing kind words, serving words, and words that help to uplift and to inspire, or are we using words that bring people lower? In many cases, the first sign of our character and of who we are to others can be seen in our appearance, but, especially in the growing social aspects of the internet, it is also often by simply our words - whether or not they can even be immediately recognized as something we personally have written. The words we speak or type mean more than just whether or not we are using clean and appropriate language; we can have the cleanest tongue around and still not accomplish anything with the words we choose to share. When we focus on using the power of our words to help others, either by helping them to come closer to Christ or even just supporting and encouraging through a time of struggle, we are following Christ’s commandment to love our neighbor. Though Christ performed many countless miracles, one of the things that we know the most about Him and what He did are the words that He shared, and the things that He has taught us.
I know that as each of us does our best to fully utilize the power of our words, that we will be able to more fully understand and follow the perfect example that Christ has given us. We will better be able to feel His love, and to spread that love to those around us. It all begins by us opening our mouths - or our fingers - and sharing, helping, caring, supporting, uplifting, inspiring, encouraging, and love all of those who are around us.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Words, whether it be spoken or typed, are so powerful and can be used for good and for bad. This is an important lesson that more people should read because it is a reminder of just how the words we choose can help lift someone up or tear someone down. While we are human and are bound to mess up on occasion, we should always strive to use our words to represent the Savior and reflect Him in everything we say.

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