A Change of Pace

    I’ve decided to have a change of pace. Whereas previously I was hoping for a more professional front, recent months have shown that my professional front is clearly limited. Instead, I’m hoping for a bit of a new outlook here on my blog. I’m going to try and take a more personal approach instead, writing more from more of a stream of consciousness approach as a way to help others get a bit more insight into what life is really like as a referral center missionary. I’m warning you now, don’t expect much - posts are likely to be short, sporadic, and non-sequitur... and likely boring to boot. Whatever the case, a more casual approach will give me the opportunity to write a bit more often, so if nothing else, you’ll likely see a few more posts, bringing an end to the recent streak of, well, not writing anything on my blog at all. If anyone finds anything particularly helpful or inspiring, that’s fantastic, and I’m glad that I was able to help. If you don’t get anything out of a particular post, that’s fine as well - feel free to visit some other time to see if anything has come up that tickles your fancy, or to give up on the whole idea and visit somewhere much better instead. (If you’re looking for a clearly superior blog, I highly recommend Elder Callahan’s blog - it’s really quite fantastic.)

    By the way, when I say that I’m hoping to have the chance to type here a bit more often, that means that I’m actually going for a post a day approach. This might not always be possible, but I hereby give permission to be incessantly nagged beyond all limits of human endurance should I go for more than a day or two without giving some sort of update.

    As a missionary, life can be a bit dull sometimes. (As undoubtedly apparent from the long period of post-lessness.) However, one thing that I always keep in mind during the dull times, the fun times, and the challenging times, is that I am in the service of the Lord, and that He will bless me for doing what is right. This is something that isn’t unique to missionaries, either - everyone has the opportunity to serve in one way or another, and will be equally blessed for their service. Some of the best missionaries with whom I have worked haven’t been full-time missionaries at all, but simply every day people doing their best to share what is right, or even to simply keep going during particularly tough times in life. That, to me, is an excellent example, and a service to others in and of itself. I know that as we all continue to do our best in serving Him, the Lord will bless us and look out for us as we each continue our way down this long and dusty path that we each call life.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Oh, a post-a-day?? My cup runneth over!

    But this is a great post. Many things can be learned here from your words. It's easy to want to give thanks to God when things are going great, but it's harder when things are not-so-great or dull... but we should be in that mindset no matter if it's a good day or a bad day. And the other main point that is striking is how one can be a missionary just through everyday life. There are opportunities for everyone to be a missionary at some point in day-to-day life... whether it be through words or actions that make other people wonder what it is about you that makes you different and so happy. There are blessings as well as opportunity presented to us everyday, it's just up to us to listen to the Spirit and recognize them.

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