Watching the snow drift by outside the fifth story window by my desk, I thought about how much my situation has changed over the last few weeks, yet, at the same time, how similar it is.

Taiwan will never feel the strange sensation of a winter snowfall, the gentle softness accompanied by the familiar bitter chill, and Utah will never feel the strange, mist-like rain that pervades the streets on Taipei. Christmas time is fast approaching, as made clear by the quiet echoes of age-old carols rebounding around the office, just loud enough that I'm able to pick out the familiar tunes. In Taiwan, no doubt, Christmas is only a passing thought, an image out the window of the speeding train known as time as it makes its way to the much anticipated destination of Chinese New Year.

Still, the work goes on. The work of a missionary is endless in more ways than one. Some days, as we deal with seemingly thousands of pranks and try desperately to help others to understand that nothing can help improve their lives more than the gospel, certainly feel endless - that's for sure. However, when the other 'endless' aspect of our role is considered, this seems like a small price to pay.

An old proverb says, "You can count the number of seeds in an apple, but you can't count the number of apples in a seed." As missionaries, it is our role to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of those who approach us. Sometimes, the soil of their hearts is hard, cracked, and dusty. Sometimes, it hasn't seen the rain of hope or the sunshine of faith for countless years. In Jacob 5:19-22, in the allegory of the olive trees, the Lord of the vineyard shows  to his servant that sometimes, even trees planted in a poor spot of ground bring forth much fruit.

Like Zenos, we are servants of the Lord of the vineyard. Sometimes, those investigators who begin in the poorest spots of ground bring forth the most fruit. Sometimes they don't. Only the Lord knows; we have to trust in Him, and do what He prompts us to do. Only then will we, and more importantly, those we teach, start to see the fruit. When we, like Lehi in 1 Nephi 8:12, partake of this fruit - the fruit of the gospel of Jesus Christ -  we will be "filled [...] with exceedingly great joy," for this fruit is desirable above all other fruit.

I know that the only way we can experience this great joy - this happiness in its purest form - is through the gospel. When we follow Jesus Christ's example and live His commandments, the gaps in our lives can be filled. We can know, without a doubt, who we are - that we are children of our Heavenly Father. We can press forward in faith, knowing that He leads the way. As we watch the seasons slowly turn again to winter, and the snow begin to fall, we can know that we are doing our part in His plan for us. We can live with the confidence that can only be brought by an absolute knowledge that through our actions, we will live with Him again.
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3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    One thing struck me as heart wrenching here, where you state that some days you guys deal with seemingly endless pranks. I think that is horrible and heart breaking. Missionaries give up two years or so of their lives looking to serve others out of love, and some people can just be so horrible towards you. I know that the missionaries I have gotten in touch with have been nothing but caring, thoughtful, sincere and respectful, and it hurts me to know that people will use that kindness for their own personal amusement.

  2. Elder Hafen Says:

    Thanks for your comment, Eric. I agree that it's unfortunate when people take advantage of others for a quick laugh. I understand that, in most cases, they don't mean any harm, but I wish that, even if they only visit as part of a joke, they would spend a minute to listen to what we have to say. At the very least, that would help stop some of the stranger rumors that circulate about our beliefs.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I will say that the Missionaries that I know, both in person and online, have been of tremendous help to me. I am not a very strong person, and I have gotten a lot of flack for wanting to learn more about the LDS Church from seemingly everyone. But it is the humbleness of the Missionaries that is what sparked my interest in the church, and is what is helping keep me going with encouragement and a listening ear. You guys are invaluable and very much appreciated everyday.

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